Inoda Coffee: Imbued with Nostalgia

African Blend Coffee at Inoda Coffee in Kyoto, Japan

Hi everyone! This is going to be a quick introductory post into one of the many coffee shops we tried in Japan. This spot is called Inoda Coffee and they've been serving coffee for over 70+ years. That's almost three times longer than I've been alive. Insane. This institution has grown to be a small chain, beloved by its loyal customers who have been frequenting this coffee shop for ages. It maintains an old-Japan style atmosphere with a focus on Omotenashi hospitality, a way of selflessly treating customers with the utmost respect. The best way I can describe it is like a service level that anticipates your every need before you realize you need something. It's magic.

Anyway, Inoda Coffee not only has a solid local customer base but also has strong popularity among tourists, which is strange because you don't find many places like this. Often times, it's either a local spot or a tourist trap, not both! At Inoda Coffee, you will find a variety of different coffees including their classic Arabian Pearl blend coffee. They also serve an extensive menu of snacks and dessert. Overall, the prices are a bit high where a coffee and a snack or two will cost around $20 (USD). They sell their own coffee so if you like it you can take some home too!

Inoda Coffee in Kyoto, Japan

For my visit, I tried the African Blend Coffee. I'm not a coffee expert but if I had to describe it, it was quite bold with a fruity aroma. Without milk, it was a bit acidic and tart/sour on the finish. So, I added milk! If you're looking for something more standard, get the Arabian Pearl. It has a strong roast with a slight hint of chocolate (kind of like mocha). Both coffees are between $5 to $6 (USD) depending on the interest rate. 

Address: 堺町通三条下る道祐町140, 中京区, 京都府 〒604-8118, Japan


  • N/A; Get whatever you want. It's coffee.